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<TITLE>Christian J. Robinson: Vim</TITLE>
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<A HREF="/">Main</A> → <A HREF="/programming.shtml">Programming</A> → Vim
<H1 ALIGN=CENTER>Christian J. Robinson: Vim</H1>
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Vim stands for <FONT COLOR="#005500"><B>V</B>i <B>IM</B>proved</FONT>. It
is a greatly enhanced vi clone which includes
<A HREF="index_shtml.html">syntax highlighting</A>, scripting, a
<ACRONYM TITLE="Graphical User Interface">GUI</ACRONYM>, a basic
<ACRONYM TITLE="Integrated Development Environment">IDE</ACRONYM>,
<A HREF="../images/vim7-folding.png">folding</A>,
<A HREF="../images/vim7-split-tabs.png">horizontal and vertical window splits</A>,
<A HREF="index_shtml.ps">printing</A>, language based smart indenting,
<A HREF="/c?url=vimfeatures">and more</A>. The latest version is Vim
<!--#include file="vimversion" -->. The official web page for vim is
<A HREF="/c?url=vim">http://www.vim.org/</A>, where Vim users contribute
tips, scripts, and so on.
Vim 7 includes integrated
<A HREF="../images/vim7-spellcheck.png">spell checking</A>,
<A HREF="../images/vim7-split-tabs.png">tabbed windows</A>, undo branches,
extended VimL (Vim's scripting language) to include arrays and dictionaries
(named arrays), language based completion, and many other major and minor
The code here is distributed under the Vim license, unless otherwise noted.
See "<A HREF="/c?url=vimlicense" CLASS="keyword">:help license</A>". Most of
the stuff here requires Vim 7.0 or greater. Some of these scripts are also
available on <A HREF="/c?url=vimonlineacct">www.vim.org</A>.
<DIV CLASS="left2col">
<LI><A HREF="BufClose.vim">BufClose.vim</A> <SPAN CLASS="lastmod">(<!--#flastmod file="BufClose.vim" -->)</SPAN>
<BR>A command and function to close a buffer in a window without closing the window, resulting in the window being open to a blank buffer.</LI>
<LI><A HREF="BufOnly.vim">BufOnly.vim</A> <SPAN CLASS="lastmod">(<!--#flastmod file="BufOnly.vim" -->)</SPAN>
<BR>A command and function to delete all the buffers except the current/named buffer.</LI>
<LI><A HREF="CharSort.vim">CharSort.vim</A> <SPAN CLASS="lastmod">(<!--#flastmod file="CharSort.vim" -->)</SPAN>
<BR>Function and mappings to a sort string of characters.</LI>
<LI><A HREF="ConvertBase.vim">ConvertBase.vim</A> <SPAN CLASS="lastmod">(<!--#flastmod file="ConvertBase.vim" -->)</SPAN>
<BR>A set of functions to convert numerical bases. (Includes CovertToBase(), ConvertFromBase() and ConvertBases().)</LI>
<LI><A HREF="CreateMenuPath.vim">CreatMenuPath.vim</A> <SPAN CLASS="lastmod">(<!--#flastmod file="CreateMenuPath.vim" -->)</SPAN>
<BR>A function that creates a menu that mirrors a directory tree.</LI>
<LI><A HREF="GreedyBackspace.vim">GreedyBackspace.vim</A> <SPAN CLASS="lastmod">(<!--#flastmod file="GreedyBackspace.vim" -->)</SPAN>
<BR>This script will cause your backspace key to delete all the whitespace characters before the cursor when the cursor is on a whitespace character.</LI>
<LI><A HREF="HTML/">HTML/XHTML Editing</A> <SPAN CLASS="lastmod">(<!--#flastmod file="HTML/index.shtml" -->)</SPAN>
<BR>This is a set of HTML/XHTML mappings and menus for Vim 6 or later.</LI>
<LI><A HREF="syntax/mush.vim">mush.vim</A> (syntax folding) <SPAN CLASS="lastmod">(<!--#flastmod file="syntax/mush.vim" -->)</SPAN>
<BR>Syntax based folding for <ACRONYM TITLE="Multi-User Shared Hallucination">MUSH</ACRONYM>/<ACRONYM TITLE="Multi-User eXperience">MUX</ACRONYM> code. It includes other syntax additions to work with my mushpp script (see <A HREF="../Perl/">Perl section</A>). Place this in <runtimepath>/after/syntax/ and put "<SPAN CLASS="keyword">:let mush_fold = 1</SPAN>" in your vimrc.<SUP><A HREF="#fn1">[1]</A></SUP></LI>
<DIV CLASS="right2col">
<LI><A HREF="plugin/rcs.vim">rcs.vim</A> <SPAN CLASS="lastmod">(<!--#flastmod file="plugin/rcs.vim" -->)</SPAN>
<BR>Autocmds and menus for <ACRONYM TITLE="Revision Control System">RCS</ACRONYM> files. Place this in <runtimepath>/plugin/. It asks you whether to check out a file if it's readonly and controlled by <ACRONYM TITLE="Revision Control System">RCS</ACRONYM>, then lets you check it back in with a log message when you're done.</LI>
<LI><A HREF="Rename.vim">Rename.vim</A> <SPAN CLASS="lastmod">(<!--#flastmod file="Rename.vim" -->)</SPAN>
<BR>A command and function that basically does a "<A HREF="/c?url=vimsaveas" CLASS="keyword">:saveas <newfile></A>" then removes the old filename on the disk.</LI>
<LI><A HREF="indent/slrnsc.vim">slrnsc.vim</A> (indent) <SPAN CLASS="lastmod">(<!--#flastmod file="indent/slrnsc.vim" -->)</SPAN>
<BR>An auto-indent file for the slrn score files. Place this in <runtimepath>/indent/.</LI>
<LI><A HREF="syntax/slrnsc.vim">slrnsc.vim</A> (syntax folding) <SPAN CLASS="lastmod">(<!--#flastmod file="syntax/slrnsc.vim" -->)</SPAN>
<BR>Syntax based folding for slrn score files. Place this in <runtimepath>/after/syntax/ and put "<SPAN CLASS="keyword">:let slrn_fold = 1</SPAN>" in your vimrc.</LI>
<LI><A HREF="SmartX.vim">SmartX.vim</A> <SPAN CLASS="lastmod">(<!--#flastmod file="SmartX.vim" -->)</SPAN>
<BR>Smart deletion of \X escapes with the x/X/Backspace/Delete keys.</LI>
<LI><A HREF="Tabmerge.vim">Tabmerge.vim</A> <SPAN CLASS="lastmod">(<!--#flastmod file="Tabmerge.vim" -->)</SPAN>
<BR>Merge a tab's windows with the current tab.</LI>
<LI><A HREF="indent/tf.vim">tf.vim</A> (indent) <SPAN CLASS="lastmod">(<!--#flastmod file="indent/tf.vim" -->)</SPAN>
<BR>An auto-indent file for the TinyFugue internal scripting language. Place this in <runtimepath>/indent/. <SUP><A HREF="#fn1">[1]</A></SUP></LI>
<LI><A HREF="syntax/tf.vim">tf.vim</A> (syntax folding) <SPAN CLASS="lastmod">(<!--#flastmod file="syntax/tf.vim" -->)</SPAN>
<BR>Syntax based folding for the TinyFugue internal scripting language. Place this in <runtimepath>/after/syntax/ and put "<SPAN CLASS="keyword">:let tf_fold = 1</SPAN>" in your vimrc. If you want to fold commented blocks of code, put "<SPAN CLASS="keyword">:let tf_fold_comments = 1</SPAN>" in your vimrc as well. <SUP><A HREF="#fn1">[1]</A></SUP></LI>
<BR STYLE="clear: both;">
<FONT SIZE="-1"><SPAN ID="fn1" CLASS="footnote">[1] You may also need to
read "<A HREF="/c?url=vimfiletype" CLASS="keyword">:help
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