HTML/XHTML Editing in Vim


HTML/XHTML Editing Macros (đź•‘) — Vim mappings and menus to make editing HTML/XHTML files quick and easy.


This is a set of HTML/XHTML mappings (macros) and menus for Vim 9 or later. The mappings will be local to the buffer so they will not interfere if you edit other files in the same Vim session.


Warning: If you have an old pre 1.0.0 version of this plugin, you need to remove its files first or they may prevent the newer packed version from loading.

Put "filetype plugin on" in your vimrc.

To install from the zip archive

Extract the archive in your runtime directory (~/.vim for Unix, %USERPROFILE%\vimfiles for Windows; see ":help 'runtimepath'").

This archive includes all the files you need for complete operation of the HTML plugin, so it is not necessary to download extras.

To install using git

Download and install git.


Type the following in a terminal:

mkdir -p ~/.vim/pack/cjr/start
cd ~/.vim/pack/cjr/start
git clone


Press Windows+R and type in cmd, then type the following into the command window:

mkdir %USERPROFILE%\vimfiles\pack\cjr\start
cd %USERPROFILE%\vimfiles\pack\cjr\start
git clone

After installing using git you can always update by entering the pack/cjr/start/HTML directory and typing: git pull

See the plugin's Github page for more information.

Manual installation

Manual installation is no longer supported. Install from the zip archive or use the git instructions, which will place the plugin and its associated files in a self-contained "pack" directory. See ":help packages" for more information.

The files below are only provided for historical reasons.

To install for old versions of Vim

The last version that supported Vim 5 is 0.10, the last version that supported Vim 6 is 0.33.1, and the last version that supported Vim 7 is 0.42.6. There wasn't a Vim 8 version and support for Vim 8.2 was unintentionally broken.

Other old versions can be found on the plugin's page.


These files—except wikipedia.vim—are included in the and git archives (see "installation" above).


If you have questions, first read the Frequently Asked Questions (text version). This covers the most frequent support requests I get.

If you still have a question or a problem with the plugin, email me, or submit a bug report on the plugin's Github issues page.

The curious can read the ChangeLog (text version), which includes revision notes for all the files listed above.

Some other Vim features and plugins that may be useful for editing (X)HTML:

  • closetag.vim
    This plugin provides functions and mappings to close open HTML/XML tags.
  • :help ft-html-omni
    How to auto-complete tags, attributes, CSS, JavaScript, etc. in Vim 7 or later.
  • html.vim
    For Vim 7.3 or later. Syntax additions for HTML files that enables concealing of some items. This file should be placed in your <runtimepath>/after/syntax/ directory. See my main Vim page for more information.
(Suggestions welcome.)